From the Principal’s Office
Spring has sprung some beautiful weather here at Discovery Isle! Speaking of beautiful weather, this month’s theme is all about “Loving Our Mother Earth”. Lady bugs, butterflies, recycling and growing gardens, The Lorax story time; we have so many exciting things planned this month to show our appreciation to our beautiful planet.
Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair begins on Monday, the 6th and will go to Friday, the 10th. All books will be located in Room 2 and the cash register will be at the front desk.
Middle of the month, we will celebrate the “Week of the Young Child”. We are promoting Children’s Literacy and spreading this message to all the children in our community. We will be accepting donations for used and new books to give to the Polanski center and the Women’s Resource center.
And lastly, don’t forget all our fun “Spirit days” all month long! Show your creative side by having your child dress in the daily theme. We will have many contests all month long.
Until next month…. enjoy the weather and keep smilin’!
Until next month.. Christy Lang
Scholastic Book Fair & Week of the Young Child @ Discovery Isle!
Discovery Isle is pleased to announce this years theme for
“Week of the Young Child” is CHILDREN’S LITERACY!
Here’s how you can help! It’s time to do some
Spring Cleaning of your book shelves!
We will be collecting loved used and new books to donate to our local children’s shelters in San Diego.
We would love to share the opportunity to as many children possible; promoting the love for reading books!
If you have books to donate, we will gladly collect them in the front lobby. We appreciated all your book donations. Our Scholastic Book Fair will begin on April 6th and go until April 10th. You can shop for new books to replenish those book shelves at home! Happy Book Shopping!
Important April Dates
Spirit Days
4/1- April Fool’s Day
4/14- Tye-Dye Tuesday
4/18 National High Five Day
4/29 Workout Wednesday
April 6th to 10th
Scholastic Book Fair
(book collection)
April 13th to 17th
Promoting Children’s Literacy
EARTH DAY (4/22/13)
Lorax story time and Gardening. Dress like any character in the book Lorax on Wednesday, April 22nd.
Discovery Isle Summer Camp!
Calling All School Age Children
Need somewhere fun to hang out all summer?
Discovery Isle Camp is the place to be!
Summer Camp Registration will begin on
Monday, April 27th.
$225 deposit & your registration paperwork holds your spot!Spaces are limited!
Christy’s Crafty Creation
Today is Earth Day! Take time today (and everyday) to teach your kids the importance of treating our earth with kindness to preserve it for future generations! These are great Earth Day treats your child can help you make and assemble.
Earth Rice Crispy Treats
Supplies Need:
Rice Crispy Cereal follow the instructions and
ingredients needed on the box.
Blue and Green Food Coloring
Make the classic crisp rice cereal treat into an Earth Day celebration fit for kids, with the help of a little bit of food coloring.
Make two batches coloring one batch in blue and the second batch in green. Have children take half portion for each color and mold the treats into a circle. As you compress the two colors they will begin to swirl to look like tiny little earths. Share with friends and family. What a fun delicious treat for all.

Appreciating the Wonders of Mother Nature
Spring is here and Earth Day is right around the corner, providing a wonderful opportunity to connect children with nature and reinforce the importance of preserving and protecting the world around us.
Our Links to Learning curriculum uses hands-on activities to cultivate a deeper connection to the earth and foster academic, physical and social skill development.
Below are activities we implement in our classrooms to get children excited about nature, as well as activities and books to read with your child at home.
In the classroom: Our teachers provide natural objects, such as leaves, pinecones and flowers for the children to see and touch. We help children associate words with the concrete objects they represent.
At-home activity: Allow your child to experience different textured fruits, such as an orange, watermelon and cantaloupe. Talk about what he sees, smells, tastes and feels.
Recommended reading: Colors from Nature from PlayBac Publishing and The Earth Book by Todd Parr
BEGINNERS (Ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Around age two, children begin to understand interdependencies in nature. For instance, they learn that ladybugs feed on insects that are harmful to gardens, trees and shrubs. On Earth Day, many of our students have the opportunity to release ladybugs to help local gardens.
At-home activity: Take a walk outdoors with your child and play a game of “I Spy.” Ask him point out objects found in the springtime, for example a red flower, a blue bird or a colorful butterfly.
Recommended reading: Biscuit’s Earth Day Celebration by Alyssa Satin Capucilli & David T. Wenzel and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
In the classroom: As our Intermediates gain a greater understanding and appreciation for how living things grow, the class may adopt a pet such as a fish or bunny. Students develop math, science and language skills by measuring the pet’s food, observing the pet’s behavior and habitat, and learning new vocabulary. Research shows that when children have the opportunity to care for animals, they practice nurturing behaviors that help them interact in gentle ways with people also.
At-home activity: Create a small garden and allow your child to help you plant and water seeds, either outdoors or indoors. Ask him to predict what the plant will look like by drawing pictures in his journal. Check the plant regularly so he can observe and measure changes in growth. Discuss the importance of watering and caring for the plant.
Recommended reading: Our Earth by Anne Rockwell and the poem “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out!” by Shel Silverstein.
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (Ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Teachers encourage our older preschoolers to reuse recyclable materials in fun and unconventional ways. For instance, our students use cardboard boxes to create a castle, milk jug lids to sort and match, and plastic bottles to create beautiful, unique artwork.
At-home activity: Set up a recycling station using cardboard boxes, and label each box with the words “metal”, “plastic” and “paper”. Throughout the month, ask your child to help sort your family’s recyclables by placing the items into the correct box. Explain that recycling is just one way that we can be kind to the earth. Ask him to name a few other ways, such as conserving electricity, picking up litter and planting a garden.
Recommended reading: A Tree is Nice by Janice May Udry and The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD- Director of Early Childhood Education
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April News 2015
From the Principal’s Office
Spring has sprung some beautiful weather here at Discovery Isle! Speaking of beautiful weather, this month’s theme is all about “Loving Our Mother Earth”. Lady bugs, butterflies, recycling and growing gardens, The Lorax story time; we have so many exciting things planned this month to show our appreciation to our beautiful planet.
Our Spring Scholastic Book Fair begins on Monday, the 6th and will go to Friday, the 10th. All books will be located in Room 2 and the cash register will be at the front desk.
Middle of the month, we will celebrate the “Week of the Young Child”. We are promoting Children’s Literacy and spreading this message to all the children in our community. We will be accepting donations for used and new books to give to the Polanski center and the Women’s Resource center.
And lastly, don’t forget all our fun “Spirit days” all month long! Show your creative side by having your child dress in the daily theme. We will have many contests all month long.
Until next month…. enjoy the weather and keep smilin’!
Until next month.. Christy Lang
Scholastic Book Fair & Week of the Young Child @ Discovery Isle!
Discovery Isle is pleased to announce this years theme for
“Week of the Young Child” is CHILDREN’S LITERACY!
Here’s how you can help! It’s time to do some
Spring Cleaning of your book shelves!
We will be collecting loved used and new books to donate to our local children’s shelters in San Diego.
We would love to share the opportunity to as many children possible; promoting the love for reading books!
If you have books to donate, we will gladly collect them in the front lobby. We appreciated all your book donations. Our Scholastic Book Fair will begin on April 6th and go until April 10th. You can shop for new books to replenish those book shelves at home! Happy Book Shopping!
Important April Dates
Spirit Days
4/1- April Fool’s Day
4/14- Tye-Dye Tuesday
4/18 National High Five Day
4/29 Workout Wednesday
April 6th to 10th
Scholastic Book Fair
(book collection)
April 13th to 17th
Promoting Children’s Literacy
EARTH DAY (4/22/13)
Lorax story time and Gardening. Dress like any character in the book Lorax on Wednesday, April 22nd.
Discovery Isle Summer Camp!
Calling All School Age Children
Need somewhere fun to hang out all summer?
Discovery Isle Camp is the place to be!
Summer Camp Registration will begin on
Monday, April 27th.
$225 deposit & your registration paperwork holds your spot!Spaces are limited!
Christy’s Crafty Creation
Today is Earth Day! Take time today (and everyday) to teach your kids the importance of treating our earth with kindness to preserve it for future generations! These are great Earth Day treats your child can help you make and assemble.

Earth Rice Crispy Treats
Supplies Need:
Rice Crispy Cereal follow the instructions and
ingredients needed on the box.
Blue and Green Food Coloring
Make the classic crisp rice cereal treat into an Earth Day celebration fit for kids, with the help of a little bit of food coloring.
Make two batches coloring one batch in blue and the second batch in green. Have children take half portion for each color and mold the treats into a circle. As you compress the two colors they will begin to swirl to look like tiny little earths. Share with friends and family. What a fun delicious treat for all.
Appreciating the Wonders of Mother Nature
Spring is here and Earth Day is right around the corner, providing a wonderful opportunity to connect children with nature and reinforce the importance of preserving and protecting the world around us.
Our Links to Learning curriculum uses hands-on activities to cultivate a deeper connection to the earth and foster academic, physical and social skill development.
Below are activities we implement in our classrooms to get children excited about nature, as well as activities and books to read with your child at home.
In the classroom: Our teachers provide natural objects, such as leaves, pinecones and flowers for the children to see and touch. We help children associate words with the concrete objects they represent.
At-home activity: Allow your child to experience different textured fruits, such as an orange, watermelon and cantaloupe. Talk about what he sees, smells, tastes and feels.
Recommended reading: Colors from Nature from PlayBac Publishing and The Earth Book by Todd Parr
BEGINNERS (Ages 2-3):
In the classroom: Around age two, children begin to understand interdependencies in nature. For instance, they learn that ladybugs feed on insects that are harmful to gardens, trees and shrubs. On Earth Day, many of our students have the opportunity to release ladybugs to help local gardens.
At-home activity: Take a walk outdoors with your child and play a game of “I Spy.” Ask him point out objects found in the springtime, for example a red flower, a blue bird or a colorful butterfly.
Recommended reading: Biscuit’s Earth Day Celebration by Alyssa Satin Capucilli & David T. Wenzel and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
In the classroom: As our Intermediates gain a greater understanding and appreciation for how living things grow, the class may adopt a pet such as a fish or bunny. Students develop math, science and language skills by measuring the pet’s food, observing the pet’s behavior and habitat, and learning new vocabulary. Research shows that when children have the opportunity to care for animals, they practice nurturing behaviors that help them interact in gentle ways with people also.
At-home activity: Create a small garden and allow your child to help you plant and water seeds, either outdoors or indoors. Ask him to predict what the plant will look like by drawing pictures in his journal. Check the plant regularly so he can observe and measure changes in growth. Discuss the importance of watering and caring for the plant.
Recommended reading: Our Earth by Anne Rockwell and the poem “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out!” by Shel Silverstein.
PRE-K/PRE-K 2 (Ages 4-5):
In the classroom: Teachers encourage our older preschoolers to reuse recyclable materials in fun and unconventional ways. For instance, our students use cardboard boxes to create a castle, milk jug lids to sort and match, and plastic bottles to create beautiful, unique artwork.
At-home activity: Set up a recycling station using cardboard boxes, and label each box with the words “metal”, “plastic” and “paper”. Throughout the month, ask your child to help sort your family’s recyclables by placing the items into the correct box. Explain that recycling is just one way that we can be kind to the earth. Ask him to name a few other ways, such as conserving electricity, picking up litter and planting a garden.
Recommended reading: A Tree is Nice by Janice May Udry and The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.
– Lauren Starnes, PhD- Director of Early Childhood Education